The Parade and Festival will take place rain or shine.
Prepare for the weather that is forecasted: sunblock, sun hat, umbrella, light jacket, etc.
Smoking is not permitted on the Boston Common or on City Hall Plaza
Alcohol is not permitted on the Boston Common. Only alcohol purchased at the event is permitted on City Hall plaza.
No drugs or weapons are permitted in the Parade, nor at either Festival location.
Photographers and videographers are not permitted to set up a tripod at either festival location unless credentialed by the BP4TP Communications Committee.
Service animals must remain by the handler’s side at all times and must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered.
No pets (other than service animals) are permitted at the Festival on City Hall Plaza.
Dogs at the Boston Common must be on a leash at all times. Dog owners are required by law to pick up their dog’s waste.
There will be water bottle filling stations at Boston Common. Participants are encouraged to bring refillable water bottles.
The City of Boston will close the roads on/near the Parade route starting early Saturday morning. Parking near the Parade route and Festival locations will be extremely limited. Everyone is strongly encouraged to take public transportation to event sites. If you do not live near an MBTA station, consider parking at a station away from the event area and taking the bus or train to your destination.
For Parade participants the closest MBTA train station is the Copley Square T Stop on the Green line or Back Bay Station on the Orange line.
For those watching the parade, suggested MBTA destinations are the Arlington St or Boylston St on the Green line or Back Bay Station on the Orange line
Festival at Boston Common – Park St. station on the Red line and Green line; or Downtown Crossing on the Orange line
Festival at City Hall Plaza – Government Center station on the Green line and Blue line; or Haymarket on the Orange line
Due to the parade, many streets will be closed, which in turn increases traffic congestion. It is recommended that extra time be factored into plans to drive to event sites, including those using ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft.
There will be limited parking in nearby parking garages on the day of the event.
Boston Pride for the People is led by a group that is racially, generationally, and gender diverse. The primary mission of BP4TP is to plan the Pride celebration in June. We raise funds to cover operational costs. We meet regularly with community groups and hold open Town Hall meetings for everyone to participate in conversations about an inclusive Pride. We welcome participation and invite you to our next Town Hall meeting which will take place in June, after the Pride celebration.
Follow our social media accounts for more information on day-of events and future opportunities to get involved.